College Union

The College Union (sometimes ’the Union’) is the umbrella body for the JCR, MCR and all societies in Queens’. It is governed by the Council of the College Union. The remit of the College Union, as described in its constitution and the JCR Constitution, includes:

  • Registration, regulation and funding of Queens’ sports and societies.
  • Maintenance of the JCR and MCR’s democratic processes.
  • Approval of changes to the JCR Constitution and its appendix.
  • Regulation of Queens’-owned punts.
  • Advice and consultancy for JCR and MCR initiatives.

The Council of the College Union is comprised of three members of the JCR (usually President, Treasurer and Sports & Societies Officer), three of the MCR and three of the SCR, including the Senior Treasurer of the College Union.

The Senior Treasurer of the College Union assumes a role in the JCR Constitution as the contact for grievances, dispute resolution and allegations of electoral misconduct.

A subset of the Council of the College Union, normally the Senior Treasurer and the JCR/MCR treasurers (the junior treasurers) allocate funding to registered societies at Queens’, most of which at the start of Michaelmas.

The gym would not normally be considered to come under the direct remit of the Council of the College Union and has its own senior treasurer. Other facilities come under the Domestic Bursar and the Domus Committee in Queens’, with whom the JCR Committee work closely.


The Senior Treasurer of the College Union is Revd Max Bayliss (mtb52) [last updated: March 2022]